Audio / Video



You can watch all the videos from my concerts and other events on my YouTube channel.

Concert without audience

You can watch the videorecording of the Concert without audience in Slovak Philharmonic on web page or on their Facebook page


Album art

Slovenská hudba pre violu a klavír

Viola - Martin Ruman
Klavír - Alena Hučková

CD contains works for viola and piano by slovak composers of 20th century Alexander Albrecht, Ivan Parík, Dušan Martinček and Ilja Zeljenka. It was released in June 2020 by Viola Friends Club. For ordering a CD please contact me via contact form .

Album art

Rebecca Clarke - I’ll Bid My Heart Be Still

Viola - Martin Ruman
Klavír - Alena Hučková

CD contains works for viola and piano by British composer Rebecca Clarke (1886 – 1979). It was released in September 2019 on Pavlík records label. For ordering a CD please contact me via contact form .